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Tom Casavant

SlackArchiver: Using Mongo to archive Slack messages (Featuring "Docker")

The purpose of this program is to read messages from Slack ( and store them in a database using Mongo. We are also going to build all of this within a Docker, so that we can easily recreate the environment this program needs to run properly on other systems. Requirements:

Make sure to install the latest version of all of the above libraries. Next we need a way to read data from our slack channels Create your file and add the following imports:

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser import time from pymongo import MongoClient from slackclient import SlackClient import os

After importing everything you can move onto our first function "log_previous_slag_data()" which will go through all the past messages in all of your channels and will send those messages to be archived.

def log_previous_slack_data(slackclient, mongoclient): """Gets all previous messages and puts them into a mongo database""" channels = slackclient.api_call("channels.list")['channels'] for channel in channels: history = slackclient.api_call( "channels.history", channel=channel['id']) print history['messages'] #This line is only for testing purposes and we'll change it later on

Very simply, this function takes 2 arguments: "slackclient" and "mongoclient" which we will create soon. They are used to communicate with the Slack API and the mongo API respectively. Using these arguments, the function reads the history of every channel in the list of channels. Then it prints out what it reads (we will later have this function automatically send them to be archived using the mongoclient) While it's nice to archive every message, a user doesn't want to run this program every time they'd like to archive new messages. So, we need a function at actively logs messages, this function will be called "start_listening()".

def start_listening(slackclient, mongoclient): """Actively logs messages into a mongo database""" if slackclient.rtm_connect(): while True: messages = slackclient.rtm_read() if messages: #If anything was read print messages #Again, this a temporary command, we will change it once we have our database setup time.sleep(1)

else: print "Unable to connect"

Now, before we move on we should probably test our two functions to see if they do anything. Make sure you create a Slack bot user ( and get yourself an API key. Then we can run these functions to see if they work:

if name == "main": parser = SafeConfigParser() #Later on this line will change slightly SLACK_API_TOKEN = parser.get("slack", "API_TOKEN")

mongo = MongoClient("mongodb") #This'll be explained later slack = SlackClient(SLACK_API_TOKEN)

log_previous_slack_data(slack, mongo) start_listening(slack, mongo)

And then you'll need to create a config.ini file as such:


Now you can run the function and see if your messages start printing on the screen. I'll make another post later to detail setting up your database