Tom Casavant

Last semester I was taking a course at OSU called Foundations of Software Engineering. Towards the end of the course we learned about different algorithms to find paths between different nodes on a graph. One such algorithm was called Dijkstra’s algorithm. I wanted to experiment with this algorithm, so I decided to write a program that would create nodes for each of the 32 NFL teams and have them connected via the wins between them, i.e. if the Bengals beat the Steelers then the Bengals would have a line pointing from themselves towards the Steelers.

Jan 27, 2019
4 minutes

Back in November, my brother and I decided to participate in the Hack OH/IO program ( that takes place at The Ohio State University. We started out with a plan to build a RC car out of a raspberry pi and hardware provided by the Hack OH/IO organization. Unfortunately when we arrived to the hackathon it seemed that their parts list was incorrect. They did not have engines, wheels, axels, or basically anything else that we needed to build the car. So, we had a better idea. We decided that we would purchase an RC car from Target and attach it to a raspberry pi. The end goal being that we could control the RC car over WiFi via a computer.

Jan 26, 2019
3 minutes

In the previous post, we set up our database to save messages from Slack. In this final post we just need to setup our Docker ( The reason, that we are creating a Docker, is that this will allow you to easily transfer your program to other computers without needing to go through and install all dependencies. The first thing we’re going to do is setup our filesystem to make it easy to docker it:

Sep 16, 2017
3 minutes

In the previous post, we developed a program that can read all previous slack posts, as well as actively listen for current slack posts. Now, we need to create a new function that will take all the data it reads, and put it into a database (we’ll be using Mongo as our database manager). This function is actually quite simple, it opens the database, then for every slack post it was given it will check to see if that post is already in the database. If it isn’t in the database it will add it to the database. Here is that function:

Sep 16, 2017
3 minutes